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桂林理工大学关于国际学生线上上课和返校相关事宜的通知GLUT Notice on Online Learning Arrangements and Back-to-school Information for International Students
2020-02-25 08:47   审核人:


Dear international students,


Due to the current situation of COVID-19 in China, the University has decided to postpone the back-to-school time of Spring Semester. According to the requirements of online teaching made by the Ministry of Education of China during the epidemic prevention and control period in the Spring Semester of 2020, the arrangement for online learning and back-to-school information is made as follows.


1.Online learning shall be officially launched on 24th, February to all the students from GLUT. International students from College of International Education should contact the teacher in charge of your class and join QQ group or Wechat group In advance. International students from other colleges should contact the student in charge of your class, be familiar with the teaching schedule and master the using of online learning apps.


2.There are as many as 12 MOOCS in the Chinese international education series of Beijing Foreign Studies University have been set up, the courses are rich and detailed in content in order to provide various choices for international students. The content of the course includes both new and old knowledge, which makes it not only a process of learning new knowledge, broadening our horizons and improving our own Chinese level, but also a process of reviewing and consolidating the learned knowledge and systematically combing the knowledge of Chinese.


3.At the beginning of online teaching, some problems are likely to occur

Online learning apps, we hope you could understand and be patient when waiting for solutions. In addition, without the approval of teachers, students are not allowed to disseminate course materials for any reason other than personal learning purposes.


4.Please attend online classes based on the schedule. If you are not able to attend class with specific reasons, please ask the teacher in charge of your class for leave in advance. If you fail to attend class without any reasons, you are responsible for relevant consequences.


5. Considering the current epidemic situation is relatively severe, for the sake of your safety, none of the students from GLUT is allowed to return to university without permission. Those who travel or visit friends in China,it is strongly suggested to take effective preventive measures cooperating with the local requirements for epidemic prevention and control.The specific time of returning to the University will be notified later.


6.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the teacher in charge of your class and teachers of the Office of International Student Affairs.


College of International Education/International Office


24th February, 2020


 电话:0773-5895613 / 5896078   传真: 0773-5895613      电邮:cie@glut.edu.cn  /  fao@glut.edu.cn
地址:广西桂林市建干路12号   邮编:541004

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