l 学生需要离开学校外出到桂林市区以外活动的,需要向国际教育学院学生事务科办理外出请假手续。 If you are going outside Guilin city please inform the students’ affairs office teacher. l 增强自我安全防范意识。注意人身及随身物品安全,不要将个人姓名、电话、就读学校、家庭住址等情况随意透露给不熟悉的人员。 Keep your belongings safe during the trips. Do not disclose your name, phone number, home address, and other personal details to unfamiliar people. l 注意交通安全,遵守交通规则,不乘坐超员车辆、无牌证车辆,不搭乘陌生人的顺路车。 Pay attention to the traffic safety, obeying the traffic rules. Do not take the vehicles that are overcrowding or without licenses. Do not take free ride. l 遇到抢劫等侵害时,以保护自身生命安全为首要原则。关键时应大声呼救,及时报警。 Your personal safety is the very priority if you are robbed or in an extreme dangerous circumstance. Shout loudly for help in time, and report to police immediately. l 旅途中尽可能结伴而行,并告诉亲属回家时间和出行同伴。 Travel with companions as much as possible, informing your parents the details and date of your return. l 整理好个人物品并放置有序,衣柜、抽屉、箱包上好锁。 Tidy up your personal items and place in order. Lock your wardrobe, drawers and luggage. l 不要在宿舍里存放现金和贵重物品,手机、手提电脑应妥善保管。 Do NOT leave cash and valuables in your room. Keep safe of your mobile phones and laptops. l 外出前宿舍内电器插头应拔下,关闭电源开关,确保消防安全。关闭门窗,锁好门。 Before leaving make sure ALL the plugs and power supply are switched off or unplugged in your room. Make sure the fire safety. Close the windows and lock the door.